• トップページ - English Top page

    (This is the home page of this site. The history of the establishment of the Education Cloud Office, new information on general business, and important information for continuous information provision are posted.)

    • 教育クラウド室の業務 - Office of Educational Cloud services

      (Our Education Cloud Office posts information about what kind of organization it is, its main business, and what's new.)

    • 学習管理システム - Learning Management System (manaba)

      (Manaba, which has been introduced since September 2013 as a learning management system, is posted.)

      • 利用案内

        (Information for those who are new to the learning management system is posted.)

      • 各種申請

        (This page is mainly for faculty and staff. Information for applying for course opening, course division / integration, use of the learning management system before the appointment, etc. is posted.)

      • お問い合わせ

        (Contact information for inquiries regarding the use of the learning management system is posted.)

    • 遠隔講義・自動収録システム - Remote Lecture/Automatic Recording Lecture System

      (This is a page about the system. Inquiries, usage guidelines, etc. are posted.)

    • オープンコースウエア(TSUKUBA OCW) - Open Course Ware (TSUKUBA OCW)

      (This page is about the activities of OCW at University of Tsukuba. Inquiries, usage guidelines, etc. are posted.)

    • メディアサービス - Media Services

      (The multimedia research division of the former Academic Information Media Center has been integrated into the Education Cloud Room. We publish about various services such as video shooting.)

    • お問合せ・アクセス - Contact/Access

      (Inquiries to the Education Cloud Room, transportation when you come, guide maps, etc. are posted.)

    • 規則集(Rulebook)